inLAWation is the crasis of innovation and law, the union of law and innovation.


Inlawation is a distributed law firm created by autonomous and independent professionals.
We offer legal advice and assistance in Italy and abroad, both in civil and commercial matters. We specialize in the fields of intellectual property, information technology, liability and insurance law.


inLAWation is a distributed law firm created by autonomous and independent professionals. We offer legal advice and assistance in Italy and abroad, in civil and commercial matters, and in particular in the fields of intellectual property, information technology, liability and insurance law.


Our competencies cover the main areas of law involved in the digital revolution. We use an elastic organizational infrastructure to easily share resources and processes in order to create modular work teams and better meet the needs of our clients.


Our competencies cover the main areas of law involved in the digital revolution and we use an elastic organizational infrastructure, which allows us to share resources and processes in order to create modular work teams to better meet the needs of our clients.


Accordion Content
  • Advice on the protection of trademarks and geographical indications;
  • Proceedings before the UIBM and EUIPO (trademark applications, oppositions, cancellations, appeals);
  • Prior art searches relating to EU and non-EU jurisdictions;
  • Monitoring/supervision service – EUTM, Italian trademarks, national trademarks in the EU;
  • Customs protection in the EU.
  • Contracts and judicial assistance in patent matters (infringement actions, nullity, declaratory of non-infringement etc.) before Italian Courts.
Unfair Competition and Antitrust:
  • Legal assistance and judicial protection services against anti-competitive practices.
  • Drafting of contracts and judicial protection in the area of copyright protection and infringement.
  • Advice on registered and unregistered designs;
  • Prosecution procedures (oppositions, annulments before the EUIPO);
  • Legal assistance in infringement matters before Italian Courts.
Protection of personal data:
  • Assistance in personal data protection matters (“Privacy”, GDPR);
  • Audit, analysis and mapping of the organization’s information flows;
  • Drafting of disclosures, policies, and other contracts or documents for the processing of personal data;
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA);
  • Risk analysis of the technical and organizational measures in place to protect data security;
  • External Data Protection Officer (RPD/DPO);
  • Training courses for employees and managers on personal data protection.
Legal Tech:
  • Legal assistance in disputes related to new technologies (e-commerce, cloud computing, cybersecurity, machine learning, internet of things, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, cyberbullying, computer forensics);
  • Drafting service agreements, terms of use, and general terms and conditions for technology providers;
  • Management of the organization’s knowledge in digital transformation (Knowledge Management);
  • Legal Design.
Created with Sketch.
Accordion Content
Medical liability:
  • Preliminary assessment of the case;
  • Collaboration with medical examiner;
  • Formulation of a claim for compensation;
  • Submission of an appeal for preliminary technical advice for the purposes of settling the dispute or, alternatively, submission of an application for mediation;
  • In case of failure to reach an agreement, assistance in civil litigation in the first instance before the competent court and any subsequent appeal before the competent Court of Appeal;
  • Possible collaboration with criminal law firm for criminal proceedings.
Non contractual responsibility:
  • Compensation for unlawful act pursuant to art. 2043 of the Civil Code;
  • Responsibility from things in custody, for ruin of buildings and circulation of vehicles;
  • Collaboration with expert witnesses and medical examiners;
  • Extrajudicial assistance in procedures of mediation and assisted negotiation;
  • Judicial assistance before the Court in ordinary civil litigation and any preliminary proceedings;
  • Collaboration with specialized law firms for criminal proceedings.
  • Legal assistance for companies and private individuals in the main branches of insurance law, namely: road accidents, work accidents, with particular regard to issues relating to fatal events, ultra-limit damages, sports accidents, professional and medical liability, etc.;
  • Examination of the claim, the policy and the related General Conditions in order to verify the operativity of the insurance guarantee;
  • Preparation of opinions in the pre-litigation phase;
  • Assistance in compulsory mediation procedures, assisted negotiation and representation in legal disputes or arbitration;
  • Collaboration with expert witnesses and medical examiners to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident and/or quantify damage;
  • Management of relations with brokers, agents and other insurance intermediaries.
Accordion Content
  • Legal advice and assistance in public procurement, construction, urban planning, environmental law and other regulated sectors;
  • Legal assistance before the Offices and/or competent offices of the Administrative Courts for appeals against assessments, penalties or other measures of the Public Administration.
  • Consulting and assistance in the preliminary phase (accesses, inspections and assessment activities carried out by the Financial Administration);
  • Legal advice and assistance before the Office and/or the competent Commissions for the appeal of assessments, sanctions or tax bills;
  • Defense and assistance to clients in relation to the activities carried out by the collection agent.
Accordion Content
  • Legal advice and assistance in matters of property, possession, communion, condominium, inheritances;
  • Estate and inheritances planning (wills, estate funds, family agreements, trusts).
  • Legal advice and assistance for the protection of the consumer (distance contracts, legal guarantee of conformity of consumer goods, compensation for damages from defective products);
  • Legal advice and assistance in disputes concerning tourist services (compensation for flight delays or cancellations, damages for ruined vacations, information obligations, right of withdrawal, insurance obligations).



Request information

Inlawation is not a partnership between lawyers nor an associated firm: all professionals are autonomous and independent.

Via Principe Tommaso, 4/F
10125 – Torino
+39 011 0447886
Corso Garibaldi, 5
12100 – Cuneo
+39 0171 1630697
Via Cisalpina, 198
2069 Vaprio D’Adda (MI)
+39 011 0447886

Inlawation is not a partnership between lawyers nor an associated firm: all professionals are autonomous and independent.

Legal notes: inLAWation is not a company of lawyers nor an associated firm: all professionals are autonomous and independent. 

Full details of each person’s registration with the Bar are available from their respective professional bodies (Turin, Cuneo, Milan) or from the Consiglio Nazionale Forense.


pursuant to Art. 13 of European Regulation No. 2016/679 (GDPR)

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The recipients of personal data are the providers of the Data Controller’s IT services, who act as Data Processors, in addition to the staff in charge of data processing, on the basis of specific instructions given by the Controller.


The Data Controller does not intend to transfer the collected personal data abroad, however, should this become necessary, such data may be processed by entities operating outside the European Economic Area solely on the basis of an adequacy decision of the European Commission or other condition provided for in Chapter V of the GDPR.


Any browsing data recorded in server logs will be retained for a period not exceeding 7 days.


Interested parties have the right to:

a) access their own data held by the Controller,

b) request the rectification and/or cancellation of their data, where applicable,

c) request the limitation of the processing, where applicable,

d) oppose the processing of personal data, where applicable,

by making a direct request to the Data Controller at the addresses indicated above.

In the event they believe that the processing of their personal data is in breach of European Regulation 2016/679, the Interested Parties also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Control Authority where they usually reside or work (for Italy: Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali), or to refer the matter to the competent Judicial Authority.